about me

I got my first camera when I was 10. At the beginning, I would smash the shutter button all the time using auto exposure.

A few years later, I bought a photography magazine very casually and I was immediately hooked by the stunning photos. I read everything and absorbed all the theories and wished I had a DSLR.

In 2010, I graduated middle school with the best grade among all classes. Of course were my parents happy and I got a mid-range DSLR to kill some time in the summer. It was "only" a Canon 60D with a 18-135 mm lens. I wished a 7D but was very happy anyway because that camera would cost legs for my family.

After I got the camera I read the whole manual and tried out everything. I also read books and tried to improve my skills every month. I shot with Aperture Priority mode almost all the time.

Ten years later, I invested in a Canon EF 50/1,8 STM and a basic flash. I shoot now mainly in Manual mode.